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20-Min Upper Arm Toning with Lindsey

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30-Min Muscle Movement with Rosalie

Strength + Stride • 29m


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20-Min Upper Arm Toning with Lindsey

Strengthen and tone your arms with Lindsey and Allie as they fire up your muscles and target your biceps, triceps, and shoulders!

Equipment Needed: Cubii Compact Elliptical, Light Weights

Class Functionality: This is a fully seated class.

Class Playlist:
1. Who's Gonna Stop Me - oomiee
2. T...

20-Min Upper Body Strength with Aida

Grab a pair of light weights and get ready to work your upper body with Aida as she targets your arms, shoulders, back, and core!

Equipment Needed: Cubii Compact Elliptical, Light Weights

Class Functionality: This is a fully seated class.

Class Playlist:
1. Party All Night Long - Sven Lind...

30-Min Total Body Strength with Andrea

Strengthen your total body with Andrea as she fires up your muscles and targets your arms, shoulders, core and legs.

Equipment Needed: Cubii Compact Elliptical, Light Weights

Class Functionality: This class incorporates sitting and standing.

Class Playlist:
1. Old Navy Suit - OTE
2. I Can't...